Benefits of copying your ALLDATA® Repair DVDs to your computer's hard drive: Lost or damaged discs can slow down or stop your work, costing you time and .... Make sure that there is (or will be) enough space on the hard drive to save the discs. · Close all programs, including ALLDATA Repair. · Open the Disc Copy Utility.. Make sure that there is (or will be) enough space on the hard drive to save the discs. · Close all programs, including ALLDATA Repair. · Open the Disc Copy Utility.. Insert the ALLDATA Repair Software Installation. Disc into ... Navigate to the DVD drive where the ALLDATA Software Installation ... Select “Exit “when the copy.. The ALLDATAData folder will open up if correctly connected. alldatadata-on-z.png. Still on the CLIENT computer, open the Disc Copy Utility by clicking on Start .... Close the ALLDATA Repair (DVD) program. ... If the download process does not begin by clicking the link above, copy/paste the ... Once the ALLDATA for Windows Service Utilities window opens, click Data >> Estimate Lock Management.. Wait for the Copying… progress window to close. The ALLDATA Manage Backup is now saved on the computer desktop. Right-click over the small ALLDATA .... ... Due to the small number of customers using DVDs and the rapid growth of the data, the last shipment of DATA discs was shipped in August/September 2013. e1a097fadc